Be more involved in Lawley Life

Extra-curricular opportunities for Year 9 and 10 students


Students in Years 9 and 10 have the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of activities.


Foodbank Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club operates every day in Student Services.  A free breakfast is available each school day for all students and students can help themselves to cereal, toast and juice.

Bush Ranger Cadets


Mount Lawley Senior High School has a thriving Cadet Unit that gathers together weekly for training on Monday afternoons, and participates in several camps throughout the year. The Unit's activities have an environmental focus which are fully funded.


For more information see Mr Andrew Paul, Chaplain located in Student Services or email

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award


Mount Lawley Senior High School is proud to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. The Duke of Ed Framework equips young people for life and work.  Recognised by employers and tertiary institutions, The Duke of Ed is a leading youth development program, empowering young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world. To achieve an The Duke of Ed, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical well being, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment.



Have a lot of fun while improving your public speaking and persuasive skills. Join a team and represent the school in the Western Australian Debating League.  Debating in a team fosters engagement with global issues, encourages critical thinking and equips students with confidence in expressing themselves.


For more information contact:

Homework Club


Homework Club operates in the Library for one hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm. Students can work on their homework independently or in small groups and access assistance from teachers on duty.


For more information visit the Library.

House Captains and Student Counsellors


Students can nominate for a range of leadership roles in the school. For further information about the annual nomination and selection process, contact the Student Services Coordinator.

Insain Visionworks Program


The Insain VisionworksTM Program is designed to empower students to explore what they would like their future to look like, and begin taking actions and discovering barriers that limit their ability to reach their true potential.

Insain's unique technology allows for pathways to be paved that were once not there, delivering opportunities and connecting with others who are allied and who provide beneficial support, delivering on some phenomenal results.

The weekly series of group sessions are designed for each young person to learn skills and gain tools to have their vision develop and apply this approach in their lives.  This program is by invitation from your Year Coordinator, and then by application and interview with the Insain team.

Levitate Program


The Levitate Program, run by Former WA Youth Ambassador and Harvard Scholar David Castelanelli, is a modern self-development program that teaches students the most important personal development skills to help them succeed at school. The Levitate Program is designed to help improve time management skills, study skills and overall happiness. The program also covers key topics such as how to improve the quality of sleep and build stronger friendships. This program is highly regarded and 100% of the students who have completed it at Mount Lawley Senior High School say that they would recommend it to their fellow peers. The Levitate Program includes eight face to face workshops run after school with David Castelanelli and over 10+ hours of additional online resources which students can access via their online platform (including podcasts, webinars, catch-up videos and additional worksheets).  Places in the program are by application and there is a cost to enrol.


For more information see Renae Hill, Associate Principal Upper School, or email

LGBTQIA+ Alliance


The LGBTQIA+ Alliance is a club that focuses on the social aspect and student well-being for students who identify as LGBTQIA+ or are an ally. It allows all years 7-12 students to gather in the same place to socialise and discuss any important issues they are encountering at school and in their lives.


Please see your Year Coordinator or Student Services staff for more information.

Mock Trials


A mock trial is a simulated court case in which teams contest a fictitious legal matter presented in the Western Australian court system.  The cases are presented by two teams – a prosecution/plaintiff team and a defence/defendant team – made up of students playing the roles of barristers, solicitors, witnesses and court officials.

The Mock Trial competition is provides an enjoyable, dynamic way of introducing students to the law.  It provides students with an opportunity to learn valuable skills in research and in the development and presentation of a persuasive argument.


For more information see Mr Kieren Pearce, Program Coordinator Humanities and Social Sciences located in the Upper School building or email

Music Performances


Music students have opportunities to perform in ensembles, bands, orchestras and choirs as part of their participation in the Mount Lawley Senior High School Music Program.  Performances include school concerts, interschool events and community performances.


For more information see Dijon Summers, Teacher-In-Charge of Music or email

Sporting Teams


For more information ask your Physical Education Teacher, look on the Physical Education notice boards in the gym and see Mr Adam Zen (, Program Coordinator Health & Physical Education located in the Gymnasium Office.

Year 10 Leadership Camp


Year 10 students who have demonstrated leadership capacity and have made leadership contributions during their time in Upper School will be invited to attend Year 10 Leadership Camp.  The two night, three day camp challenges students to further explore their leadership capabilities and aspire to some leadership goals by participating in a range of outdoor activities and leadership workshops.


Students will be invited to register for camp by their Year Coordinator in Term 2.

Year Book


Students can express interest to join the Year Book Committee and play a role in collating, designing and editing this annual publication.

Year 9 Swan River Social


Year 9 students can look forward to celebrating being half-way through their time in Upper School in style by cruising the Swan River at sunset, posing together in the photo booth and having fun on the dance floor.


Students with Good Standing will be invited to purchase a ticket by their Year Coordinator in Term 3.

Year 10 Dinner Dance


Year 10 students can look forward to celebrating the end of their time in Upper School by dressing up, sharing in a sit-down meal and dancing the night away at the Year 10 Dinner Dance.


Students with Good Standing will be invited to purchase a ticket by their Year Coordinator in Term 3.