When will Enrolment Forms be available for next year's Year 7?
Enrolment is via an online platform and will be available soon.
When are the Enrolment Forms due in?
Generally speaking Application for Admission Forms will be due by the end of Term 2.
How do I enrol in a Specialist Program?
The school has two Specialist Programs.
Applications for Specialist Visual & Performing Arts (SVAPA) are available from our website, and should be made when students are at the beginning of Year 6.
Applications for Gifted & Talented (GAT) Languages need to be made through the Department of Education & Training's Gifted & Talented Section. Please note that students need to apply whilst in Year 6 for this program. Please check the Enrolment Timeline for the Year 7 Intake for exact dates.
How do I enrol in the Music Program?
Enrolment information is included as part of the online Year 7 enrolment package. The auditions will be held in August.
If I am in a local primary school, do I automatically get in?
Eligibility for enrolment is based on where you live rather than which primary school you went to. Details of the Local Area Intake Boundary, the Priorities for Enrolment and a copy of the Local Area Intake Boundary Map are available here.
Is my house within the school intake boundary?
Mount Lawley Senior High School has been declared as a local intake school. The local intake boundary is gazetted by the State Government. Details of the Local Area Intake Boundary, the Priorities for Enrolment and a copy of the Local Area Intake Boundary Map are available here.
If my brother or sister is already here, do I get in as well?
Due to demand from within the intake area sibling enrolments can not be guaranteed. Students who live outside the local intake area, and who have siblings currently enrolled at the school (but not those siblings who gained their enrolment through a specialist program) can be offered an enrolment subject to capacity. A sibling who completes Year 12 before the student starts Year 7 is not included. If the places available is less than the number of applicants in this section, the places will be allocated on a nearest the school basis. Details of the Local Area Intake Boundary, the Priorities for Enrolment and a copy of the Local Area Intake Boundary Map are available here.
What documentation do I need to provide when we enrol?
The following original documents must be presented with your Application for Admission Form.
The enrolment application cannot be processed until originals of all documentation requested have been sighted and copies attached to the application.
- Original Full Birth Certificate
- Passport if child born overseas.
- Relevant Visa documentation must also be provided.
- Access Restriction Documentation (if applicable)