For full details see our School Uniform Policy.
School uniforms can only be purchased through either our Uniform Shop, or our Second Hand Uniform option.
Uniform Shop
Our School Uniform Shop is offsite, at 832/834 Beaufort Street, Inglewood.
Trading Hours
This store operates 6 days a week.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-5pm.
- Thursday 9am-6pm.
- Saturday 9am-1pm.
Closed on Sundays, Public holidays and partly during term breaks. Please telephone for details.
Refund Policy
The Uniform Shop is happy to exchange goods which are faulty or a credit note will be offered which is valid for 12 months.
Tender Types
The Uniform Shop will accept cash, EFTPOS or Credit Card as payment.
Please note that they are unable to accept cheques, Amex or Diners Card.
Contact Details
Telephone 9270 4658
Email: inglewood@uc.nellgray.com.au
Second Hand Uniform
Please contact Students Services for details.
Second Hand Uniforms are available from the Student Services building by appointment.
It is also laid out and available in the week before the start of the school year.