From the Principal
Welcome to the website of Mount Lawley Senior High School, one of the premier public schools in Western Australia.
I am proud to be the Principal and lead such a high performing school which has served its community since 1955 through the provision of high quality educational programs. Many Mount Lawley Senior High School graduates are leaders in the community both locally, nationally and on the international stage.
Our students are presented with an array of subjects, sporting, artistic pursuits and community service opportunities through programs such as Interact. The achievements of the students are celebrated and recognised through awards for colours at school assemblies and vary from top of school to state representation and national achievements. As a result, our school vision is that at the end of Year 12 every student will reflect on their learning journey and have a sense of pride in being a graduate of this school.
Opportunities for extension and enrichment are available through the wealth of programs offered at the school that vary from the Arts, Music and sporting to Academic and Specialist Language studies. Many extra curricular experiences are also accessible to the students and details of these can be found on our website.
Parents can play an active role in the school through the P&C and School Board. There are a number of parent support committees where active parents play a major role in supporting programs and their children. I strongly encourage parents to engage with the teachers of their children as a genuine partnership can only enhance the students’ achievements.
Please explore our website, read our annual report and contact school representatives should you require any further information. For prospective parents, there are school tours where you are able to visit and see the school in operation. Bookings may be made through the website. I feel confident that we can provide the outstanding opportunities for your child to grow and learn in a stimulating and caring environment that will equip them for their future pathways.
Lesley Street