This policy is informed by the teaching and learning culture at Mount Lawley Senior High School and has been developed in accordance with regulations set by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Please refer to SCSA for the WACE Manual.
Assessment is a critically important aspect of the last two years of schooling. All students, parents and teachers should make themselves aware of their responsibilities within this policy and the procedures it outlines.
Assessment assists teachers and schools in:
- Monitoring the progress of students.
- Providing feedback to students.
- Developing subsequent learning programs.
- Reporting student achievement to parents.
- Whole-school and system planning, reporting and accountability
Assessment procedures must be fair, valid and reliable.
At the start of every course, the teacher will provide an electronic copy of the following to each student (also accessible to parents):
- A copy of the accredited syllabus (SCSA Courses) or qualification outline (VET qualifications).
- A copy of this document which details the procedures used for assessment and reporting, appeals and
- A copy of the course outline that has to pass SCSA Audit requirements including the following information:
- The content.
- The sequence in which the content will be taught and the approximate time to teach each section.
- A list of assessments, type, timing and weighting as required by SCSA.
The copy of the assessment outline for the course or qualification:
- The assessment types and the number of assessments.
- The weighting for each assessment type and each assessment task.
- The approximate timing of assessment tasks (i.e. the week in which each assessment task is planned or the due dates for significant stages of each).
- A general description and an indication of the content covered by each assessment.
- Grade related descriptors for each SCSA course.
- Assessment requirements for each qualification.
It is the student's responsibility to:
- Attempt all in-class tasks on the scheduled date.
- Complete and submit all course/qualification requirements by the due date.
- Maintain a folio of evidence for each course/qualification studied and to make it available whenever required.
- Maintain a good record of attendance, conduct and progress (a student who is absent from a class for five lessons or more per term is deemed to be 'at risk' of not achieving the best possible result).
- Initiate contact with teachers concerning absence from class, missed assessment, and other issues pertaining to assessment tasks.
- Advise the teacher/ trainer if you are going to be away from class or if you are sick by ensuring your parent/guardian emails the teacher before or on the day of a scheduled in-class assessment that you are unable to complete.
- Be responsible for your personal progress.
- Not interfere with the conduct of an assessment or training session or hinder the learning or assessment of others.
- Not gain an unfair advantage in relation to any work submitted for assessment or dishonestly helping others to gain an unfair advantage.
- Not engage in plagiarism or collusion in an assessment.
ATAR/General Courses
Maintain accurate records of student achievement using the Reporting to Parents (RTP) module on the Portal; results must be entered immediately when the assessment is returned to the student.
- Meet school and external timeframes for assessment and reporting.
- Inform students and parents of academic progress as appropriate, especially for students at risk.
- Maintain a file of assessed work which has been returned and make it available if required for moderation purposes by the Authority.
- Publish a new assessment outline if there are changes.
VET Courses - (Standards for Registered Training Organisation (RTO) 2015)
- Hold the required credentials - (Standards 1.14 and 1.15, Schedule 1 of the Standards).
- Hold vocational competencies to the level being delivered and assessed or as set out by RTO (Standard 1.13[a]).
- Have current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided (Standard 1.13[b]).
- Have current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs training and assessment (Standard 1.13[c]).
- Undertake relevant professional development (Standard 1.16).
- Select and confirm with VET PC the units of competency you wish to deliver.
- Customise the Training and Assessment Strategy and Trainer Profile and forward through to relevant RTO for approval to deliver prior to commencing training.
- Identify any reasonable adjustments required for individual students.
- Access the latest version of courseware provided by the RTO which must be used.
- Deliver and assess the unit of competency using the RTO's training resources and assessments.
- Ensure all assessments are completed under the direction of the trainer/assessor to ensure the Principles of Assessment are adhered to.
- Provide students with timely assessment feedback and opportunities to resubmit if not satisfactory.
- Undertake RTO validation processes and requirements.
- Undertake mandatory professional learning as identified by the RTO.
- Meet school and RTO timelines for assessment and reporting.
- Inform students and parents of progress and achievement.
- Notify student and parent if at risk of not completing the full qualification requirements.
- Retain responsibility for managing programs and maintaining records including scanned copies of all assessments.
- Provide student data to the Authority and RTO in the required timeframe and format for State and National Reporting.
- Ensuring that students know what is being assessed, how, when and why - students and parents will be informed of progress and achievement via RTO's learning management systems.
It is the parent's/carer's responsibility to:
- Read the school's Assessment Policy
- Read the Assessment and Course Outlines for each course and/or qualification and hence support their child(ren) in meeting the deadlines as published.
- Contact the classroom teacher as soon as possible should your child be experiencing any difficulties meeting the assessment requirements for a course due to illness or misadventure and provide relevant evidence eg medical certificate.
- Supply medical documentation/diagnosis to the school as per the School Curriculum and Standard Authority (SCSA) policy for their child who is in need for equitable access to assessment adjustments due to special considerations. Refer to Clause 10.
If a student is absent from class, their ability to achieve to their potential is diminished. Extended absence frequently results in lower levels of achievement, or unit assessment requirements not being met. Hence it is essential for all students to attend lessons regularly and punctually.
Missed Scheduled in-class assessments – ATAR, General, VET
Absence from scheduled assessment tasks (including tests, investigations, validations, oral presentations, examinations or practical assessments) must be explained by one of the following:
- Wherever possible, advance notification is required from the parent/carer to the classroom teacher.
- Sickness or injury should be supported by a medical certificate.
- A major family upset, confirmed by a written statement from a responsible adult.
- An unforeseen or unavoidable situation. The Program Coordinator will decide if the reason is acceptable.
- Transfer between schools during the school year.
- Officially sanctioned activity or excursion.
Events that can be rescheduled are not a valid reason for non-completion of in-class assessments. Truanting class, poor time management or being disorganised are not valid reasons for non-completion.
(ii) Students who missed assessments in ATAR / General Courses
Students are expected to complete the assessment item on the day of their return, but no later than a week from the scheduled date of the assessment. Alternative arrangements can be made with the classroom teacher in consultation with the Program Coordinator. If the student is unable to complete that assessment task, the task may be excluded and the marks for the other tasks of the same assessment type will be re-weighted. Alternatively, a mark may be estimated for the missed assessment based on a standardised score of an assessment of the same type.
Practical assessments cannot always be rescheduled due to specialist facilities and provider availability, resourcing and timing. It is essential that students complete these assessments on the dates provided. Where possible the trainer will try and organise for this missed assessment to be completed but only for students who had a valid reason for missing the original assessment.
Where no satisfactory explanation of an absence from a scheduled assessment task is received, or alternative arrangements cannot be made, a zero mark is recorded.
Families are discouraged from taking students out of school for vacations during the school term. Parents need to notify the school and classroom teacher in advance and the student must negotiate the completion of assessments with the teachers or they may be awarded a zero.
(iii) Students who missed assessments in VET Courses
Assessment outlines clearly indicate when units of competency (UoC) are due and assessed.
All assessments are required to be completed under the direct supervision of the trainer/assessor therefore missed assessments cannot be completed out of class time.
Students may attempt assessment tasks more than once;
- Where a satisfactory explanation of an absence during a missed assessment is provided the trainer will provide for the assessment to be completed during the next scheduled class unless the assessment was a practical activity.
- Where the explanation provided is not satisfactory the student must renegotiate an extension with the trainer. If this is the second renegotiation to attain the competency, then the student's extension may be denied.
- Practical assessments cannot always be rescheduled due to specialist facilities and provider availability, resourcing and timing. It is essential that students complete these assessments on the dates provided. Where possible the trainer will try and organise for this missed assessment to be completed but only for students who had a valid reason for missing the original assessment.
- Students must provide evidence to demonstrate the competency standard of every unit of competence in their qualification. If the student is unsuccessful, they will be deemed not yet competent in that unit and will be awarded a partial qualification. A Statement of Attainment will be issued by the RTO. Partial qualifications may not provide WACE credit.
(iv) Missed assessments due to Prolonged Absence
ATAR / General Courses
Where a student is unable to attend school for a lengthy period due to illness or injury, a case conference with the Associate Principal Senior School, and other support staff will be held. To complete a course unit, a student needs to have been provided with the opportunity to complete the school's structured educational program and assessment program. If a student has an ongoing illness or acceptable reason for an extended absence, supported by appropriate documentation, the school will alter the assessment outline for the individual, while still ensuring that enough assessments are completed to be awarded a grade.
If a student is absent from school for an extended period, regardless of the reason, it may not be possible in the time remaining to complete sufficient assessments to be awarded a grade. In this case, the school will meet with the student and identify that this is the case.
VET Courses
Where a student is unable to attend school for a lengthy period due to injury or illness, a case conference with the Associate Principal Senior School and Program Coordinator Vocational Education and Training will be held.
To achieve the full qualification, students must complete all assessment requirements of the training and assessment strategy under the direction of the trainer/assessor. A plan will be discussed to support the student where possible to meet these requirements.
(v) Missed assessments due to Non-submission of out-of-class assessment
A course overview, including timelines for submission of assessment task, will be provided to each student at the start of the course. Due dates will be clearly outlined and implemented. Where an adjustment to a deadline is necessary, it will be made in close consultation with students and publicised.
It is the teacher's responsibility to manage the assessment outline, and the student's responsibility to provide evidence of achievement by the published timelines
Year 11 and 12 General and ATAR Courses
It is important to note, as per SCSA policy, Year 11 and 12 General courses cannot be heavily modified via SEN Planning in the same way that the Year 7-10 curriculum allows.
Penalties are applied to late submissions to ensure equity in student assessment and encourage students to submit work by specified deadlines.
Failure to submit assessed work on time, will result in a late penalty. 5% of the total marks available for the task will be deducted from the mark achieved by the student for each day the task is late for the first four days. Once a task is five days late, students will receive a mark of zero and should be encouraged to complete the task for feedback purposes only.
E.g. A student achieves 51 out of 60 for a task, the task was submitted 3 days late. The student has 9 marks deducted from 51 (0.15x60=9). Hence the final mark achieved is 42 out of 60.
When a late penalty has been applied to task marks, the teacher records the final mark in RTP and should make a note of the actual mark achieved within the notes section for that task.
Acceptable reasons for negotiating an extension and support from teacher:
- Sickness or injury supported by a certificate from a medical practitioner, or a written statement emailed from the parent/carer directly to the teacher.
- A major family upset - confirmed by a written statement from a responsible adult.
- Transfers between schools during a course.
- An unforeseen or unavoidable situation. The teacher, in consultation with the Program Coordinator, may decide if the reason is acceptable.
Events that can be rescheduled are not a valid reason for non-completion of out-of-class assessments. Truanting class, poor time management or being disorganised are not valid reasons for non-completion.
In extreme cases, if a student continues to miss re-negotiated deadlines for an assessment item, a mark of zero may be recorded for that assessment item.
Families are discouraged from taking students out of school for vacations during the school term. Parents need to notify the school and classroom teachers in advance and the student must negotiate the completion of assessments with the teachers or they may be awarded a zero.
Parents must understand that the student may receive lower than expected marks due to missing schoolwork.
VET Courses
In class and out of class activities provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge to meet the competency standard of the units. It is therefore essential that students complete these activities before undertaking assessments. Completion of these activities will contribute towards the student's portfolio of evidence.
Year 11 – The deadline to change courses in Semester One is, Friday Week Five, Term One. The deadline to change courses in Semester Two is, Friday Week Ten, Term two. The school will only consider changes outside these dates in exceptional circumstances.
Year 12 – The deadline to change courses is Semester One, Week Five, Term One. The deadline for students to change courses for Year 12 is Friday, Week Five Term One.
VET Deadlines
The deadline for students to change VET courses is Monday, Week Four Term One.
Students must not engage in dishonest acts to gain an unfair advantage.
All work in each individual assessment task must be the work of the student. Students are not permitted to submit for marking, as original, any work which is:
- Contributed to or prepared by another person or source. This includes but is not limited to; student, parent, teacher, tutor, expert or Artificial Intelligence platforms.
- Copied or downloaded from the Internet without acknowledging the source.
- Paraphrases or summarises the work of others without acknowledging the source.
If a student is believed to have engaged in cheating, collusion or plagiarism, the teacher will refer the matter to the Program Coordinator responsible for the course. As part of this process, the student and the parent/guardian will be informed of the suspected inappropriate behaviour. The student will be provided with the right of reply.
If it is demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that a student has cheated or been involved with collusion or plagiarism in assessed work or in examinations, one of the following penalties will apply:
- A mark of zero for the whole assessment, or
- A mark of zero for the part of the assessment task where the teacher can identify that the work is not the student's own.
- Penalties may occur for the students who provide the student who cheated with their work as this is considered facilitating other students to achieve an unfair advantage.
Students, in some circumstances, may be given the opportunity to resubmit an assessment. This will be at the discretion of the Program Coordinator. The parent/carer will be informed in writing of the decision made, the penalty and any further disciplinary action.
Students must attend examinations and adhere to the specific regulations for that examination, e.g. regulations relating to mathematical notes and calculators. Examination guidelines given out by the school at exam time make these regulations clear.
Failure to attend an examination requires parent/student to contact the Senior School Office before or on the morning of the exam. A Sickness and Misadventure form will be emailed to the parent. The completed form must be handed in to the Senior School Office with the appropriate evidence attached. The form cannot be processed until the evidence has been supplied.
Rescheduling examinations for family holidays cannot be accommodated.
The school will ensure that students who require equitable access to assessments are catered for in accordance with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Equitable Access to Assessment Policy. It is important to note, as per SCSA policy, Year 11 and 12 General courses cannot be modified via SEN Planning in the same way that the Year 7-10 curriculum allows. In regard to VET delivery, a reasonable adjustment that has been verified by the RTO, can be made.
Students will be kept informed of their progress throughout their course/qualification. Teachers will assess completed tasks and provide prompt assessment feedback to the student.
Parents/carers will be regularly informed about their student's progress. Students and parents/ carers will be informed when it is identified that there is a risk of the student not:
- Achieving their potential.
- Completing the course requirements.
- Meeting WACE requirements.
Parents are urged to read the Formal Reports or Task Reports carefully and contact the school should they be concerned about their child's progress. Parents are invited, should they wish to discuss the progress of their child, to attend the Parent/Teacher Interview evenings, and to make additional contact should the need arise.
Where scheduled practical assessments are given on set dates as outlined in the assessment program, students are expected to attend. The same penalties apply as outlined in Clause 6 on Missed Assessments.
Students working in a group will be assessed individually as detailed in the assessment task.
ATAR/General Courses
Students need to ensure that they are aware of the School's review process. Students are encouraged to visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website to check review deadlines and requirements for appeals.
VET Courses
The Appeal process is outlined in information provided by the respective RTO to students prior to commencing the qualification. In summary, students should in the first instance discuss this with their trainer. If they are not satisfied with the outcome, then they should arrange a meeting with the VET PC and trainer to discuss their issues. If they are not satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, they are able to make a complaint to the RTO via their respective appeal documentation and process. If the RTO is not able to resolve to the student's satisfaction, they are able to complain to the Australian Skills Quality Authority or get advice from the National Training Hotline on 133873. However, this should be a last resort.