General Principles
The School's colours are navy blue, white and salmon.
The uniform type and style will carry the school crest or school letters so that they are clearly identifiable as Mount Lawley Senior High School students. No logo - not school uniform.
Enrolment to Mount Lawley Senior High School constitutes an awareness and acceptance of the school uniform code.
All clothing is to be in good state of repair, clean and neat.
Immodest clothing is not acceptable.
All items are only purchasable at the Uniform shop. |
Uniform ShopOpening hours and contact details can be found here.
Second Hand UniformPlease contact Student Services for details. Second Hand Uniforms are available from the Student Services building by appointment.
Girls General Uniform
Short/Long Sleeve. White Blouse with Crest
Polo Shirts
Navy Blue only with crest for Middle School (Years 7 & 8)
Sky Blue only with crest for Upper School (Years 9 & 10)
White only with crest for Upper & Senior School (Years 11 & 12)
Tailored trousers in plain navy blue with identifying school letters visible
Tailored in plain navy blue with identifying school letters visible
To be plain navy blue inverted pleated and of appropriate length with identifying school letters. Black plain opaque tights
Navy blue dress with identifying school crest
Boys General Uniform
Short/Long Sleeve. White Shirt with Crest
Polo Shirts
Navy Blue only with crest for Middle School (Years 7 & 8)
Sky Blue only with crest for Upper School (Years 9 & 10)
White only with crest for Upper & Senior School (Years 11 & 12).
Navy Trousers
Navy Shorts. Plain above the knee
Unisex Uniform
Navy or white long-sleeved t-shirts to be worn underneath a polo shirt
Navy windcheater with crest
V-neck Jumper with Crest (poly/cotton for wool allergic students).
Weatherproof zip jacket. Navy blue with white and salmon trim plus crest.
White socks with school colours.
Must be lace up and fully covered black shoes. (This is a safety requirement for several subject areas in the school). They may be used for sport with suitable non marking soles.
Bandannas or beanies are not allowed
Sport Shorts
Navy Blue with crest. Students are expected to change for Sport and Physical Education.
Sport Shirt
From 2021, Year 7 students will be required to have a sports shirt that matches their House.
For older students a navy blue and white sport shirt with school crest.
School Tie only
School scarf in navy with white and salmon striping.
School Bag
Chiropak II with ergonomic support.
Students may purchase and wear a school blazer
Make-up, Hair, Jewellery, Piercings
Facial piercing (such as eyebrow rings, nose studs, lip rings, etc, ) excessive make-up or jewellery and inappropriate coloured hair, will not be permitted. Jewellery will be appropriate to the learning environment. Any tattoo should not be visible.