The Class of 2014
Congratulations to the Class of 2014 on completing their 5 years here at Mount Lawley Senior High School.
At this point, you are probably very keen to move on to the next phase of your life, but we hope that at some point you will reconnect with the school and your former classmates through Lawley Alumni.
We would also like to encourage you to donate your old uniform to the 'Second Hand Shop', by dropping it off at Student Services or one of the school offices for Andrew the Chaplain ... you won't be needing it any more, so why not help provide affordable uniform options for the school community, and help provide funds for our School Chaplain at the same time.
Lawley Alumni is a collection of past students and staff - it organises whole school reunions and special events (such as the 60th Anniversary of the school in 2015), and encourages and supports the various reunions offered by Class Groups.
Keep In Touch
To keep up with things, we encourage you to join the
Lawley Alumni Email Newsletter
and to like the
Lawley Alumni Facebook Page
Most Year Groups use Facebook to connect up before their significant reunions (eg. 10th, 20th, etc ... we even have groups celebrating their 50th!), so let us know when your Year Group has one and we will add the link.
Thanks for spending your school years at MLSHS
Don't forget where you came from!