The Arthur Leggett OAM Library

The Arthur Leggett OAM Library aims to provide modern and vibrant, physical and virtual spaces that support students in becoming critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skilful researchers and ethical users and creators of information; all skills essential for life in the 21st century. The library is staffed by qualified and experienced staff who see their support as an integral part of delivering the academic and social curriculum at the school. Both the physical and digital spaces are inclusive, safe and welcoming, encouraging students and teachers to connect with one another for both learning and recreation.


"Schools with a strong school library program and a certified school librarian ensure their students have the best chance to succeed. More than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence that school library programs staffed by qualified school librarians have a positive impact on student academic achievement."


As a result, our Library is able to support students with their:

  • recreational reading,
  • research, and
  • developing their media and information literacy skills.

General information


  • We are open every day from 8.00am – 4.00pm.
  • Homework Club is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and is available to all students. Staff from different Learning Areas are rostered on each week to support students with their homework and assignments.
  • The Library is staffed by Ainsley Bakitch (Teacher Librarian) and Lucy Fairbotham (Library Officer).
  • For any queries, please contact


To see what specific support is available from the Library visit our website.