Vince Garreffa


screen-shot-2017-04-04-at-12.32.35-pm.pngClass of 1968


Businessman, Philanthropist & Perth's Favourite Butcher


Vincenzo Garreffa came to Perth with his family from Italy when he was just five years old. Early on his passion for good food became evident.

"Whilst other children my age were saving their pocket money for toys and bikes, my money was being spent developing my love of food – buying Italian sausages, small goods and delicacies such as quail, rabbit pie and quality cuts of meat from 'Uncle Vince' and the butchers out the back of the cafe."

In 1965, Vince started working as a butcher while still at school. He was a keen student and sought the challenge of combining his skills and knowledge with his own business.

A young man with a vision, he decided to open his own store in 1979. Having found a location in Midland, 'Mondo Di Carne' or ('The World of Meat'), was born.

Vince is now known as the "Prince of Flesh" and runs his own cooking classes and meat workshops at his retail store, 'Mondo Di Carne' in Inglewood.

In the late 80's, he joined Graham Mabury for a segment on 6PR's Nightline program. He also started to raise a bit of money for Graham's Lifeline project. In their first year, their Lifeline Brunch raised $4,000. Twenty years later, the brunch made in excess of $500,000.

Vince is passionate about helping others, "The more you help others, the more you realise how lucky you are. I don't look at how full my glass is, I get up in the morning and I'm so excited I've got a glass."

Vince also believes that Perth is the best place on earth. "There's an Italian song, which talks of sometimes having to leave paradise, looking for paradise, before you actually realise you left it."

His personality and love for life combined with his many passions for family, Perth and good food, combine with an infectious, optimistic vibe that rubs off on all around him.

His book, 'The Flesh in My Life' intersperses his story with favourite recipes.

In 2014 Vince spoke to the graduating class, and as guest speaker  encouraged students "to persevere, remain connected with each other and to give back to the community." A sentiment that has certainly been evident in Vince.

Vince was inducted as a Lawley Legend on Friday 5 May 2017