Ex-Prisoners of War service
The annual Ex-Prisoners of War service was held at their memorial in Kings Park on 6 May. His Excellency, the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, attended along with representatives of the defence forces, representatives from many veterans' organisations, relatives, and friends of the Prisoners of War. We were thrilled that our Lawley Legend, 104-year-old Arthur Leggett, attended the service and recited the Ode. Our choir and Concert Band 1 performed brilliant renditions of the National Anthem and the hymn Abide with Me. The prefects and councillors assisted with greeting the guests, laying wreaths and serving refreshments. After the service, the Governor mingled with the many guests. He privately presented Judd Diletti, School Captain and the MC for the event, and Andrew Paul, School Chaplain, with a Governor's Medallion. Many guests took the time to contact the principal to say how well run the ceremony was and what great ambassadors the students were for the school.