2023 Orientation Day
The 2023 Orientation Day was a huge success! Over 500 prospective students and their parents were welcomed into the school and given a small taste of what the school has to offer. The day began with a short welcome in the Middle School before students were whisked off to begin a day of exciting activities while the parents were invited to attend an information session in the Senior School building. The students began by playing games designed to give them an opportunity to get to know each other as well as their teachers. Once everybody had settled into their allocated community, it was time to travel the width and breadth of the school participating in a myriad of activities including sport, cake decorating, media, language activities, STEAM activities, house meetings, community meetings and so much more. The students had a very busy and exciting day! Getting to know new friends.
The parents listened to presentation from Mr Raphael, Associate Principal Middle School, the attendance officer, the Manager of Corporate Services and the school chaplain, Mr Andrew Paul. Parents were treated to a magnificent musical piece performed by one of the many school ensembles. Following the presentation, parents were invited to a huge morning tea which was provided by the parents of our current Middle School students and organised by the P&C. The school is very grateful to Helen Goldsmith and the other committee members who undertook this huge logistical exercise. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who contributed to the morning tea and to all the helpers (both parents and students) who worked so hard to make the whole day such a success.