As you're undoubtedly aware, our young people are often deeply immersed in the online environment. Whilst we all recognise the benefits of what the internet has brought us, we are all very cognisant that inherent risks come with the ways our children engage with the various apps available to them.
Mount Lawley SHS is proud to be partnering with Safe Counselling Australia to help raise the awareness of parents/carers of the dangers that exist on the internet, as well as provide strategies parents can employ to mitigate those risks. On Wednesday, 7 September, at ECU Mount Lawley campus Candise Adams of Safe Counselling Australia explained exactly how our children can put themselves at risk and outlined the steps parents can take to keep their children as safe as possible. The evening was very successful, with over sixty people attending.
Candice has also been running sessions in class for all Year 8 students this week and ran sessions with Year 7 earlier during the year.
For parents/carers unable to attend this important session, an attached flyer covers the main points and provides further information and links.