Mandarin Speaking Short Film Competition Winners
Three students from Mount Lawley Senior High School took out prizes in the recent Mandarin Speaking Short Film Competition conducted by the Confucius Institute UWA. These Year 10 Chinese GAT students went on to win 'Best Drama' and 'CI Director's Prize' in the Secondary School Category. The theme this year was "Chinese culture through the lens" 镜头下的中国文化
Films were in drama or documentary style, fiction or non-fiction. Animation may be used in parts, however the majority of the film should feature second-language students speaking Mandarin on camera. The criteria also has students using English subtitles when Chinese language is spoken in the film.
Congratulations to Gabriel and Hana for - Best Drama 'An Average Day at the Chinese Restaurant' and Congratulations to Shirin for The CI Director's Prize 'Making a Tiny Traditional Chinese Stall'
Well done on their efforts for which they received a monetary prize.