2021 School Photos
Our school photo days are Thursday 11th, Friday 12th and Friday 19th February (this week and next week)
Dear Parents/Carers
By now you should have received a personalised envelope for Photo Day. Please keep these in a safe place as they have a unique code which will only be issued once. A draft copy is attached. Spare copies of envelopes can be obtained from the Main Admin office, however these will not contain the unique code nor student name. Students will need to obtain the student ID from the office. See the bottom of this article for an example of the envelopes.
There are 3 Photo Days
Thursday 11 Feb - Year 7,8,9
Friday 12 Feb - Year 12 & ALL GROUPS
Friday 19 Feb - Year 10 & 11
The recommended method of ordering your photos is online through Kapture's website as your payment is secure and can be easily verified at any time. https://www.kapture.com.au/ If you choose to pay by cash, please note the photographers/school cannot provide change. Please note that we do ask that the order envelope be returned to school on the photo day for scanning purposes regardless of orders. This also applies if you pay online.
Please ensure that students are aware of the days and times that they will need to be at the photographers. Schedules will be displayed around the school. A copy is also attached.
It is the responsibility of the students to ensure they are on time with their envelope.
If they miss their time slot they can go later and catch up (EXCEPT FOR GROUP PHOTOS).
If they are absent on the day, they can catch up on any of the other allocated photo days.
If they don't have their envelope this will not preclude them from a photo being taken as ALL students will photographed for administrative purposes .
Order your photos within 10 calendar days of photo day to receive discount photo day prices.
Late orders are handled separately to the school delivery and incur a $20 custom service charge. Late cash payment envelopes cannot be accepted by the school office or by Kapture.
Group photos are special orders which require a separate ordering process, parents/carers will be informed when these will be available to order online at Kapture.
Group photos do not incur a late order service charge.
Please note; class, individual portraits are not available to view online prior to purchase. Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please check the FAQ's on the Kapture website.
All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group presentation available for purchase to all families.