State Choral Festival
On Sunday, August 15th, Mount Lawley Senior High School's Choir had the privilege of performing for the State's Choral Festival at Churchlands SHS. Due to Covid restrictions in 2020, this was the first such performance for many Year 7-8 members of our combined Year 7-12 choir outside of our own school community.
The festival provided an excellent opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and hard work to a broader community of schools and professionals and hear the work of other school choirs. The adjudicators awarded our choir "excellent" amongst many positive comments. The extraordinary leadership of their director Elysia Murphy was to be commended and the beautiful accompaniment provided by Mount Lawley Senior High School Music Alumni Mei Lynn Woon.
Our school is exceptionally proud of the Choral student's standard of performance on such a big stage. In 2021 they have demonstrated growth and breadth in repertoire participating in two WAAPA concerts, ANZAC and POW services, as well as some recording experience! Additional thanks to our choir parents for supporting the students' performances.