Taylor MacKinnon's story is an extraordinary one. We feel it would be inspirational for other students in her position. Taylor is a proud Whadjuk Noongar girl from Perth. She is an independent minor, which means from the age of 16, she lived in independent living accommodation - at Foyer in Leederville.
It takes a village to raise a child, and Mount Lawley Senior High School Principal, Lesley Street and the Mount Lawley Follow the Dream staff - Coordinator Tina Deegan, Assistant Shania Cuthbert and Tutor Roi Kagan were her major supporters along with Talicia Jetta - our Health and Wellbeing Coordinator who was a significant Aboriginal role model for her. Kathy Kickett at Foyer Foundation was amazing by providing a stable and quiet space for Taylor to live in and concentrate on her studies.
Taylor received the award which goes to the Top Performing Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student in all state schools in WA. To achieve an ATAR of 96.6 needs to be celebrated. Giving her the opportunity to connect to her culture through camps with Elder Uncle Noel Nannup - these were important to Taylor's success.
Taylor has been accepted to study Medicine at UWA. We are sure she will experience similar success in her studies.
FTD Coordinator Tina Deegan & Taylor MacKinnon