Year 7 Parent BBQ
Set in the salubrious grounds of the Middle School, the Year 7 Parent barbeque was held last Tuesday 23 February. It was fantastic to see so many Year 7 parents turn out to support their child and Mount Lawley Senior High School. The evening provided an excellent opportunity for parents to meet and greet with their child's Year 7 teachers as well as many other teachers who were able to inform parents about various aspects of the school.
During the evening, parents were able to visit the physical spaces of their child's community and were addressed by the Community Leaders who were able to outline the specific features of our high performance, high care Middle School model. Subject teachers were also on hand to discuss the specifics of their own Learning Area.
As the evening progressed, parents, carers, friends, students and staff were able to enjoy the balmy evening whilst enjoying a sausage-in-a-bun as they were entertained by three wonderful live bands made up from students across the whole school community.
The Year 7 Parent Barbeque is another important component of our students' transition into high school. The connectedness of our parents to the school is critical to the academic success of our students as well as well as contributing to our students' positive health and mental well-being.
We are very grateful for such a fantastic turn out from our parents and look forward to building on our relationships with you all as your child's educational journey progresses.
Steven Raphael | Associate Principal MS Year 7-8