Nominations for School Board
The School Board of Mount Lawley Senior High School is a vibrant and active body focused on school programs and the needs of students.
School Board also plays an important role in establishing the directions of the school, endorsing the school budget and evaluating school performance.
The Board membership has representatives from the across the school community including parents, teachers, students and the business community.
There is a vacancy for ONE Parent Representative on the School Board.
Parent representatives are appointed for a TWO Year Tenure.
Meetings of School Board are held twice per term on a Monday evening.
Other meetings are called from time to time.
The first meeting of the 2020 constituted School Board will be Monday, 16 March 2020.
Any parent interested in nominating for the available position is asked to complete a Nomination Form and return to Lesley Street (Principal) by 4.00pm on Wednesday, 19 February 2020.
Should parents require further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 9471 0300.
Lesley Street
Please click on the links below to download the PDF.
School Board nomination information parents 2020 - PDF School Board nomination form parents-2020-2021 - PDF