Economic Teacher Wins David King Scholarship
The Economic Teachers Association of WA launched the David King Scholarship this year. It is to offer an economics teacher the opportunity to receive a $2,500 bursary to be used to cover expenses to attend an Economics related conference in 2020. Entry was open to all 2019 ETAWA members teaching Economics and Business, as part of the WA curriculum from Year 5-12
Applicants were required to complete a detailed application outlining their reasons for applying for the scholarship, and how they would share the benefits with other ETAWA members. This application needed to demonstrate how this would help in delivery of economics across the whole school. The recipient was announced on Friday, 21 February, and we are pleased to announce the 2020 inaugural recipient is Mount Lawley Senior High School HASS teacher Mrs Diane Caligaro. Diane will be able to deliver PD to all WA Economics teachers upon return from the preferred conference in Sydney in October.