Update on CONNECT Rollout 2018
As mentioned in the May Lawley Update, Connect will be available to all parents and students from the beginning of Term 3.
Currently Connect is being used in the Senior School.
Connect is an integrated online environment developed by the Department of Education WA for staff, students and parents in public schools.
A short video overview on Connect is available.
Connect is totally free and because it is provided by the Department of Education, very safe.
As well as being able to login to Connect on any internet-enabled device, you may also receive notices from Connect that will be sent to you as either an email or a notification on your phone.
A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store and will let you receive Connect notices as push notifications.
If you have multiple children you only need one login – even if your children attend different public schools.
In the last week of Term 2 you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your login details.
The email will contain your unique user name and password for Connect.
When you login to Connect you will be able to see information specific to your own child/ren including details about their classes, attendance information, course and assessment outlines and notices from the school.
Further information about Connect is included with this letter.
If you have recently changed your email address please contact the Middle School administration on 9471 0350 or Senior School administration on 9471 0320 to update your details.
Alternatively, you can email the school.
Successful schooling is based on a partnership between staff, parents and students.
Connect is another tool to enhance this partnership and improve communication.
We hope that you enjoy the Connect experience and see it as an exciting new way for you to stay in touch with your child's school journey.
CONNECT Guide for Parents (pdf)
Yours sincerely,
Information about CONNECT for parents
- The school is adopting Connect as a means of keeping parents informed on how Connect provides a unique way for teachers to deliver content and how students access digital resources and engage in their learning from home or school anywhere anytime.
- View the CONNECT video https://vimeo.com/connectwa/welcome and https://vimeo.com/234791047
- As a parent, you'll be able to access:
- Your child/ren's classes;
- Week by week attendance information;
- Assessment Outlines information drawn from Reporting to Parents (secondary);
- Assessments, teacher feedback and evidence about your child/ren's learning and development; and
- Be automatically emailed about any notices posted by your child/ren's teachers.
- In the near future you will be able to access your child/ren's report online through Connect.
- The Department of Education will send you an email notifying you of your unique identifier and password in the last week of Term 2.
- Parent FAQs
Will you notify me when there's a message or notice in Connect?
Yes. Currently when a teacher of your child/ren publishes a Notice an email is automatically sent to you letting you know a notice has been created. The message is included in the email, however if you wish to access the images or files that are attached or add a comment (if the teacher has encouraged you to respond), you will be required to log onto Connect. Alternatively you may download Connect Now (free) from Google Play or Apple App Store and receive any notices as notifications on your phone.
What if I don't use email?
Connect Now, a mobile app, enables all Connect parents to use their single sign on account details and stream all of the Notices and discussions in any of their child/ren's classes to their personal mobile device. The app is free and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Can I reply to messages?
The teacher will sometimes invite you to respond to messages. When this happens a Comment button will be visible under the Connect Notice. You can respond either by logging in to Connect or through the Connect Now app.
Who else sees the class notices?
Only students and parents attached to a teacher's class are able to access and read class notices.
What if I forget my login details?
You are able to set verification questions to reset your own password or if you prefer contact the school if you forget your login details.
Where can I get more information?
A Guide for Parents is available on our website under the Connect menu.