WA Premier's Excellence in Aboriginal Education Award 2016
The school was very proud to receive the WA Premier's Excellence in Aboriginal Education Award at the 2016 WA Education Awards this morning.
The Awards were presented by the Premier, Mr Colin Barnett, and recognises "a Western Australian primary or secondary school that demonstrates a successful approach to building a school culture focused on improving the education outcomes for Aboriginal students."
"Helping Aboriginal students achieve is the ambition of a successful program at Mount Lawley Senior High School, where staff set high goals for students but focus on the small steps for each student to succeed ... The school inspires high achieving Aboriginal students to reach their full academic potential, through individual mentoring and creating a connection with each other and their culture. "
Congratulations to all of our staff, particularly those working with Bridgid Lafferty and the Follow the Dream Outreach Program and Phil Paioff and our Aboriginal Excellence Program.
We also thank our former staff, Paul Stein, Ewan Laurie and Geoff Clayton, for their efforts in establishing and growing these programs.
We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful support of the local Aboriginal community, including Beccy Garlett, Jade Dolman (Class of 2012), Barbara Stoeckel-Clayton, Gail Barrow, Professor Colleen Haywood and Dr Noel Nannup.
We would also like to thank the partnerships we enjoy with the Polly Farmer Foundation and BHP Billiton Iron Ore.
Without the guidance and involvement of these individuals and our partners, these programs would not be the success that they are.