Inter-House Spelling Bee 2016
The Inter-House Spelling Bee has been run and won for another year.
It what has become a challenging contest for our students, each House competes to spell a series of words in English.
The challenge is then to also translate each of these words into each of the five languages taught here at Mount Lawley - Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese and Korean.
The Japanese and Korean languages were particularly challenging for our Senior School students, as these languages only entered the school in Middle School a few years ago and have yet to make it into the Senior School.
Congratulations to our:
Middle School Spelling Champions - Forrest.
Senior School Spelling Champions - O'Connor
Overall Spelling Champions - O'Connor
Our House competition for 2016 finishes at the end of Term 3 in time for the Shiled presentation at the final Year 12 Assembly at the start of Term 4.
And for those interested in which House is best at which language:
English - O'Connor (MS), O'Connor & Hackett (SS), O'Connor (Overall).
Chinese - Hackett (MS), O'Connor (SS), Murdoch (Overall).
French - Forrest (MS), Forrest (SS), Forrest (Overall).
Italian - O'Connor (MS), O'Connor (SS), O'Connor (Overall).
Japanese - Hackett (MS), O'Connor (SS), O'Connor & Forrest (Overall).
Korean - Murdoch (MS), O'Connor (SS), Murdoch (Overall).