Follow the Dream UWA Excursion
'There is no better way to inspire students to achieve than hearing it from their peers'.
Every year the Follow the Dream Outreach program is invited to the School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) at Shenton House UWA to meet that people that support Aboriginal students through their studies at University.
Ray Garrat and Brendon Degois, from Shenton House spent the day talking to our students about the courses, the scholarships, the support and accommodation that is available to Aboriginal students if they choose to study at UWA.
This year 23 students took the opportunity to attend from 12 of the Mount Lawley outreach schools.
Students had the opportunity to talk with current SIS students at UWA, to ask questions and be shown a bit of what life is like for a UWA student.
They were taken on a tour of the accommodation at University Hall before sitting down to an impressive lunch in their cafeteria.
These opportunities not only encourage a self belief that attending university is well within the reach of each of these students, but gives these students some time together to meet other like minded high school students and for others to reconnect.
Follow the Dream Mount Lawley Outreach is a joint partnership program with the WA Education Department and the Graham (Polly) Framer Foundation supported by BHP Billiton.
Bridgid Lafferty
Follow the Dream Program Coordinator - Mount Lawley Outreach Program