Year 10 Languages Information Evening
Lawley Languages would like to invite Year 10 Students, Parents and Caregivers to our fourth Languages evening for Year 10 students.
The purpose of this event is to inform Year 10 students how they can utilise the 10% Languages bonus on their final ATAR scores and what they can expect in language studies next year.
We have invited current Year 11 and 12 students to the event to share their experience of studying languages with Year 10 students.
It will be a perfect opportunity for the current Year 10 students to demystify studying languages in 2017.
We also have invited our graduate students who are studying at UWA and Curtin University.
They will tell us how they used the Languages bonus to enter their universities.
If your child is keen on learning a Vocational Education and Training (VET) Language course, this event will be the night for them to find more about Certificate II of Languages Studies of Japanese and Certificate II of Languages Studies of Korean.
These exam-free VET courses are extremely practical courses for students.
Current Year 12 VET Language students will tell us more about the VET Language courses.
Our fantastic Languages Parents Support Group will provide us with some delicious snacks and refreshments.
Please feel free to taste them while you are learning more about studying languages in Year 11 next year.
This is a great opportunity to find more about language courses offered at our school.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, 13th May at 6.30 in the Year 9 Building
Best wishes,
Languages Department