Our 2015 '90's Club'
The assembly today congratulated 54 of last year's graduates and inducted them as members of the '90's Club'.
The 90's Club is made up of students who achieved an ATAR greater than 90.
In 2015, we also had two students achieve an ATAR above 99.
The 90's Club Address
Good morning teachers, parents and students,
Today I am here to give a speech about the 90's club. I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to speak to you all today about the achievements and successes of the graduating class of 2015, and in particular the 90's club members who are here today.
To be apart of the 90's club means that I along with my other classmates all received ATAR results in the top 10% of Western Australia. This is an outstanding achievement and we should all be very proud of ourselves for the effort, dedication and hard work we all put in to achieve these results. I'd like to say it was easy but it definitely wasn't. It took a lot of late nights, tutoring, after school classes with Mrs Ingle and even staying home and studying during the school holidays whilst my family all went on holiday.
Don't disregard the privileged education that you are lucky to have, or to disregard the teachers and facilities provided for you at Mount Lawley because you are all very lucky to go to a school that offers all the opportunities that Mount Lawley does. Take the afterschool classes, go on the exchange program, go and see your teachers during lunchtime if you need extra help. They'll probably hate you for interrupting their lunch but they will still help you.
We all, as students, have many thanks to give to our teachers, peers and parents for assisting us in the stressful year of 2015. I know every year the person giving this speech always says to make sure you ask your teachers questions and here I am saying it to you all again because it seriously helps so much, and if you think you deserve an extra mark in a test don't be afraid to ask (sorry Mr Barrett) because you will either get the mark or they can show you were you went wrong and you will learn for next time, either way you're winning.
I don't have a lot of inspirational advice for you all so I'm just going to recommend what I did during my time here.
My advice to the year 7, 8 and 9's is to enjoy it while it lasts. Obviously do your homework but don't stress out about it because trust me, it's so much easier compared what lies ahead.
Year 10's try hard in everything. I know it sucks not being able to choose your subjects yet but use it as a time to find your strengths and weaknesses so that when you can choose you choose effectively.
Year 11's, time to knuckle down, get into a routine with your study, sport, work, and learn study techniques that work for you and do try really hard. Although it doesn't count towards your ATAR, it'll make Year 12 a lot easier because a lot of year 12 is building concepts from Year 11 (so don't throw out your books!!).
And finally, Year 12's. Still work, still go out, still play sport, don't cut everything out of your life and just study because that will be one miserable year. Just keep working hard to achieve the best results you can, but more importantly enjoy yourself and try to relax!!
Thank you
Kes (Class of 2015)