Ancient History Students & the Valley of the Kings
Today Mount Lawley SHS was privileged to have Professor Susanne Bickel from Switzerland visit and talk about her work in the Valley of The Kings in Egypt.
Professor Bickel is on her way to Macquarie University, NSW, as the "2015 Janet Gale Visiting Fellow in the Doctorate program".
The fact that we were able to secure her to talk to our Ancient History students was a real and thoroughly engaging coup for the HASS department.
Professor Bickel is the Director of The University of Basel's, Kings Valley project and, in co-operation with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, has been excavating the site since 2011.
She talked to the students and interested teachers about her amazing work and discovery of a new tomb, KV40.
The photos and then the film taken as they entered the previously undiscovered tomb resulted in a genuine gasp of surprise and awe, by everyone watching in the class.
The thrilling discovery by the international team was reflected by the response of our audience. It really was a moment suspended in time in the classroom.
The process of discovery, with the analysis of thousands of fragments found in the tomb of KV40 gave the students a rare insight to the painstakingly slow recovery work.
How everything must be treated as a precious item because they may reveal a compelling story of life and death in Ancient Egypt, was certainly reinforced with the students.
Students were treated to original film footage and the personal account of the discoveries, after which many questions were asked of the Professor.
The fact that the students had many questions and were reluctant to leave the presentation is testimony to their interest and engagement.
We intend to continue our close relationship with the WA Museum to arrange further visits when visitors are in Perth.
Professor Bickel is presenting a public lecture on Saturday 1st August at MLC, for those wishing to listen to her engaging talk.
Lynne Noack