Lawley Art Auction 2015 - It's a Wrap
The Lawley Art Auction committee is very pleased to advise that all the fun and hard work has paid off with approximately $29,000 made in profit from the night.
We will be handing the Music and SVAPA Parent Support Groups wonderful cheques - divided evenly to support MLSHS students.
With 94 artworks created by 81 established and emerging West Australian artists up for auction, we attracted generous sponsors and created interesting publicity. Impressively, 82% of the Artwork was sold on Auction night!
The Auction has been planned, prepared and implemented by a working committee of 22 parents and friends who start the ball rolling back in February.
On Auction weekend 12 - 14 June 2015, our group expands impressively to be 150+.
The P&C, MUSIC, SVAPA and Lawley Art Auction committee would like to thank all the generous MLSHS folk involved:
- Cert II students for bump in and bump out
- SVAPA students - parking, serving food, raffle selling, art display
- Music Students - performance
- Teachers - Dr Irving, Ms Kuntyj, Mr Warren, Ms Packham, Mr Manning, Ms Dorozio, Ms Gallagher who help us bump in, attend the auction and bump out, - You rock Dr Irving!
- 100+ parents who volunteered for letter drop and bump in/out and auction night
- Senior school staff who generously let us use storage, and graciously share their building for the weekend
- Canteen staff who share their cold storage
- Cleaning staff who prioritise our needs
- School Admin staff who attend, speak, support
- And our wonderful artwork, buyers of raffles, silent auction, catalogues & drinks.
I would like to invite all to consider joining the fun and rewarding team next year, as with every school project, volunteer committee positions will become vacant.
There is a position for every skill and talent - don't be shy - join.
The committee will convene Tuesday 9 February 2016.
We hope to see a bunch of new comers then.
If you would like to discuss further, please email.