National Schools Constitutional Convention
The 2015 National Schools Constitutional Convention is the end of a journey that begins with state and regional conventions held around the country.
15 Western Australian delegates were chosen to attend this convention held in Old Parliament House in March.
Chaz (Year 12) was one of those delegates, representing Mount Lawley Senior High School.
While in Canberra he discussed and debated the checks and balances in the Australian Constitution and whether a Bill of Rights is needed.
The delegates found that a Bill of Rights would not be necessary for Australia, reflected in a plebiscite with 53% of the 120 convention delegates against the proposed change.
Whilst there, they also attended Parliament House to listen to the adversarial Question Time.
Here Chaz was given the opportunity to meet with our Federal Member for Perth, Alannah MacTiernan and they discussed politics as well as possible reforms to be made to Question Time.
Delegates also travelled to the National Museum, the National Archives, as well as having afternoon tea at Government House with the Governor General and his wife.
Students then attended a High Court dinner, with Justice Gaebler and they had Young Australian of the Year for 2015, Drisana Levitzke-Gray talk to them about being better inspirational leaders.
Year 11 Students are welcome to apply for the State School Constitution Convention to be held in Term 3 2015 and potentially leading to participation in the National Constitution for 2016.