High Achiever's Breakfast
On Friday the 20th of March, sixty five Year 12 ATAR (university bound) and VET (Vocational Education and Training) students attended a breakfast to acknowledge continued high achievement in their courses of study and certificate courses. Our principal, Mr Milton Butcher and a number of our senior school teachers also attended.
Mr Richard Goyder, AO, was the guest speaker at our first Year 12 High Achiever's Breakfast for 2015.
Richard is the Managing Director, Wesfarmers Limited.
Richard spoke about his journey from being born in a country town in Western Australia to his success in corporate Australia.
He was able to pass on some valuable advice about dealing with stress and the importance of keeping a balance in your life.
He emphasised that Year 12 should be a year to remember and that it is important to surround yourself with good people- both in your private life and while studying and at work.
The students then moved to the Hospitality Room, where the Year 12 Certificate II in Hospitality students served a delicious breakfast.
The Hospitality students had planned the menu and cooked the food as part of their certificate course.
It was a very successful celebration with two more High Achiever's Breakfasts planned for 2015.