Ride to School Day Friday 13th March 2015
Preparations are well under way for Ride to School day Friday 13th March 2015.
To celebrate riding as a fun way to travel to school, we are organising the following activities on the day:
Everybody who rides to school will be given a light breakfast provided by the Cancer Council WA and served by members of our Health Committee
Bike checks by members of our Middle School Bike Club.
We support our students to walk or wheel to school because:
- Students feel fresh and alert at the beginning of a school day
- There are fewer cars around the school which eases 'drop off congestion'.
- Students are more likely to reach the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity they need each day.
- Students feel happier, healthier and perform better in the classroom
We will be waiting to greet you at the bike compound before school.
This activity is also a part of our Act Belong Commit Program at Mount Lawley SHS.
For more information on ride to school or Act Belong Commit, please contact:
Suzie Barnes, Healthy Active Coordinator (9471 2448)
Or check out www.Actbelongcommit.org.au