Chainlink 3 - News from the Middle School Bike Repair Club
Our New Shed
For the staff, students and volunteers who are involved in the Middle School Bike Repair Club, the generous donation by Bunnings in Inglewood of a large shed, and the free installation of that shed outside the Design and Technology Building has been a huge improvement to our club.
This is now where our Year 9 students repair the donated bikes, and the shed is a great contribution to the consolidation of our literacy based program.
To the staff at Bunnings - Dawn, Rachel and Sherie - thank you for facilitating the donation so cheerfully and efficiently.
The installation was a smooth and slick operation, and for that we thank super- organised, Bunnings' employee, Josh.
Our students are delighted that they no longer have to wheel the bikes from the Middle School to D&T to work on repairs, and then back again to store them. Thank you Bunnings!
Bikes to Timor
Meanwhile, the destination of the repaired bikes has been established thanks to Peter Snell, a member of the Curtin/Bentley Rotarians, who is kindly facilitating the transportation of the bikes to Timor.
There, they will be given to children who have long distances to walk to school.
In time, as we ship our bicycles to Timor, a small repair business may be established there to service the growing bike numbers.
At that stage, we may be able to recycle a few extra parts to accompany the bikes we send. However, we should not get ahead of ourselves - the first shipment is still being organised!
The bikes we have repaired, now need to be made ready for transportation - pedals removed and tied to the bike frames, handle- bars turned 90 degrees to the frame and secured. We are very appreciative of the opportunity given to us by Peter Snell and Rotary, and look forward to working with them.
In Timor, when the bikes have been distributed, school attendance will be a more attractive proposition to a student who may presently have a twelve kilometre walk!
Painting Auction
In further news, our club's finances were boosted by the sale, at auction, of a glorious painting of a bicycle.
This was donated to the club by renowned local artist, Monica Durrant. It fetched $500 and was then donated back to the club by the buyer who wishes to remain anonymous.
It will now be raffled at this year's 'Carols on the Lawley Lawn' that is held on the school's oval.
Our Volunteers
However, our greatest asset remains the help we receive from volunteers.
Stalwarts Bruce Hunt (who recently won two prizes at this year's Community Newspapers of Australia Southern Division Awards), Mike Harrison and Gerry Ternahan, have now been joined by John Smith, who has years of experience in private industry as an engineer.
Also joining the team is Andrew Foster, a parent of one of our Year 9 students. He runs our Community 3 workshop to great effect, as well as donating much-needed tools.
Donated Bikes
The school community continues to provide us with bikes to repair.
Staff members Bruce Atkinson, Lee Payne, Julie Raymond and Anne-Maree Rowe, and volunteers Mike Harrison and Gerry Ternahan, brought in bikes last semester; and a parent, Melissa Kop kindly dropped off three bikes on our doorstep this term.