Parent Presentations Term 2
During Term Two, there will be three Parent Information Sessions designed to assist parents and students in Year 10 Subject Selection.
The sessions are:
Pathways Presentation
On Thursday the 1st of May between 7.00 and 9.00pm there will be a Pathways Presentation looking at post compulsory options. This is of particular importance for Year 10 students and will link with their subject selections for Year 11.
This evening will have three components:
- Staff from Polytechnic West (one of the leading State Training Providers - formerly TAFE) will present information on courses available, eligibility for enrolment and relevance for pathways to employment and university entrance.
- Representatives from the University of WA, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and Notre Dame University come together for a combined presentation on courses and entry requirements.
- There will be a presentation on Traineeships and Apprenticeships by a leading industry expert.
Demystifying WACE 2016
On Tuesday 20th of May between 7.00 and 8.30pm we will discuss the new Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), focusing on:
- How to achieve secondary graduation,
- Course structure in senior school
WACE 2016 is now being implemented and there are different requirements for graduation and attainment. We acknowledge that these are areas that many parents may feel they lack understanding of and we would like to provide some information to demystify these requirements. The information provided is pertinent to Years 8, 9 and 10.
Year 10 Parent Information Evening
On Tuesday the 10th of June between 7.00 and 8.30pm a full explanation of subject choices and course requirements will be provided by the Learning Area Program Coordinators.
The venue for each presentation will be the Education Lecture Theatre Room 17.157 at ECU, Mt Lawley Campus.