Building Construction About to Begin
Construction of the new Year 7 Building and Music building refurbishment is scheduled to commence on Friday 29 November with the erection of the site fence.
This project will reach completion in January 2015.
The enclosed diagram indicates the extent of the site.
It will impact the operation of the School marginally but please note the following:
Media & Science Centre
- Access to the Visual Art Building, Media & Science Building and the Sports Centre will be via the central circulation route between the Library and the Visual Arts Building
- There shall be no access from the Middle school to the Sports Centre except via the central circulation route
- There will be no parking or vehicular access to the Sports Centre parking area.
Sports Centre
- A 2m wide clear route will be left adjacent the Sports Centre to be used as a fire escape.
- The garrison gates adjacent the Sports Hall must remain open whenever the Sports Centre is open and operational
- ECU Sports Centre Staff will be responsible for opening and closing these gates during the opening times of the Sports Centre.
- ECU Store Room opening onto the escape route will have limited access.