Road Safety
The school has been notified of some traffic issues that have resulted in near misses to both cars and persons.
This is a timely reminder of the need to follow the Parking requirements of the school to prevent accidents and personal injuries.
The following map identifies the appropriate Parking locations and movement of traffic using the kiss and drop area.
Road safety for students remains a concern for school staff.
Again, we are seeking the cooperation of parents, especially during the busy start and end of the school day.
To improve traffic flow on Woodsome Street parents of Mount Lawley PS have been reminded that the car park on Hamer Park is to be used to drop children off and not Woodsome Street nor the visitors bays within School car park
Additionally, the City of Stirling has made modifications to the Middle School kiss-and-drop to only allow a left hand exit.
This was a solution to ease congestion.
Parents should use this service and exit the kiss-and-drop and drive down Woodsome Street to the Stancliffe Street round-a-bout and then proceed.
Parents are not to drop off their children at the round-a-bout as this is creating a dangerous situation.
Some are seeking to enter the car park of the bowling club and then reversing back into Woodsome Street, which is creating a dangerous situation.
Please assist by driving safely - in the end it will be quicker.
Parking on the verge of Woodsome Street next to Hamer Park also contravenes the City of Stirling parking by-laws and should be discontinued.
The City of Stirling has been requested to assist with managing Woodsome Street.
We would also repeat the request that the main staff car park should not be used as a drop-off and pick-up point during these busy times.
Students, including primary school ones, can walk in this area at these times and parent assistance is requested to ensure there are no accidents.
We would ask for your support to assist road safety around the school.