Subject Selection Process and Handbook for Year 10 Students
An important stage of the secondary education of your child is unfolding now, the selection of subjects for the duration of the final years of senior high school.
This has a significant impact on life after school.
The school has organised a select group of Subject Selection Counsellor for Year 11 & 12 subjects to assist you and your child to decide which subjects are suited to your needs and abilities.
Over the next few weeks you will receive information regarding the subject recommendations that have been given by the School's Curriculum Leaders.
These recommendations should be closely followed when selecting which subjects and academic or career pathway your child should select for the remainder of their time at Mount Lawley Senior High School.
Your child will need to arrange a mutually convenient time to attend the interview between yourself, your child and the counsellor, regarding the subject selections.
It is proposed to hold the interviews between Thursday the 13th June and Monday 17th June included. Normal interview times are between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.
It may be possible to arrange an interview outside these hours if it is mutually convenient.
There are government departments that have a wealth of resources for you and your child to explore so as to be able to arrive at a more informed decision when choosing from the subjects that are on offer and how they would suit the aspirations and abilities of your child.
I would recommend that both you and your child visit and explore the following websites over the next week or so.
I would also advise that your child creates a personal (individualised) account on these websites, which will allow tracking of career pathways: the first two websites will give students information on creating a Resume and also on creating a Portfolio which can be used as a form of entry pathway into various University Courses.
You may also like to visit the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) for current information on entry requirements into the Public Western Australian Universities and prerequisites for various university courses.
I am sure you are aware the Year ten students are sitting, or just finished, their end of Semester exams.
I wish them well in these exams, the results of which may have a bearing on the subject recommendations that they will receive.
I hope that the impending subject selection process will prove to be worthwhile and will cater to the needs and aspirations of your child based on their capabilities they have demonstrated thus far.
Yours sincerely,
Vick Lazarov
Year 10 Coordinator