CyberSmart Presentation for Parents
The school will be hosting a Cybersmart Outreach-Internet Safety Awareness presentation for parents this Wednesday.
The presentation is conducted by an ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) Cybersmart trainer and is free of charge.
The will be held on:
Wednesday 17 April 2013
Starting at 7:00pm
Lecture Room 3, Room 17.157, Education Building 17
Look for the Mount Lawley SHS Flags.
Internet safety presentation helps children stay safe online
Young people today are immersed in digital technologies. They use the internet and mobile phones to socialise, study, exchange ideas and play. While online activity has many benefits, there are also risks.
To help your children stay safe online, Mount Lawley Senior High School is hosting a Cybersmart Outreach-Internet Safety Awareness presentation. Designed for parents, teachers and students, this presentation is provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) as part of a national program of Cybersmart initiatives.
The Cybersmart Outreach-Internet Safety Awareness presentation is thorough and non-technical. It covers a range of issues including:
- the ways children use the internet and emerging technologies
- potential risks for children online, such as cyberbullying, identity theft, inappropriate contact and exposure to inappropriate content
- tips to help children stay safe online.
Mount Lawley Senior High School is committed to helping students develop appropriate behaviours when using digital technologies, both at school and home. Our program of internet safety initiatives includes:
- Year 8 and Year 9 curriculum delivery of materials offered through Edith Cowan University
- Staff training in understanding and responding to bullying
- Whole staff participation in ACMA Cybersmart program
- Student exposure to ACMA Cybersmart presentation and program
- Generation of "Safe Schools" policy as a template to responding to bullying
- Distribution of ACMA resources to students
- Direct website connection to ACMA through Mount Lawley Senior High School webpage
To register your attendance, please contact Mr Andy Outten ( 94710334) or Mr Neil Hudson (94710309) as soon as possible.
Enrolments will also be accepted on the night.