$2m Funding for New Music Facilities
The Minister for Education, the Hon. Peter Collier, MLC visited Mount Lawley SHS on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 and announced a $2 million music facility would be constructed.
Thanks to Mr Michael Sutherland, MLA, Member for Mount Lawley who presented the proposal, prepared by parents, to the previous Minister and to Mr John Hyde, MLA for his support.
The proposal was initiated by Ms Penny Scott, the Past Chair of the Music Support Group and co-ordinated by Ms Virginia Rowland.
The parent Support Music Committee invested $8,000 in preparing the feasibility study for improving music facilities at the school.
Thanks to Dr Dale Irving, Professor Jane Davidson (UWA), Dr Graham Wood (WAAPA), Mr Aurelio Costarella (former student) and Mr Rick Steele (former parent) for providing testimonials.
The efforts of all are appreciated.