SVAPA Spark_Lab Project
18 & 19 June 2012 @ PICA
The Museum of You is a combined, contemporary arts experience that will be open to the public for a very brief time on 18 and 19 June.
If you want to understand an adolescent's perspective on the world this is a MUST.
The SVAPA students have been working for a few months with James Berlyn as their mentor artist to create this performance, sound and installation art work.
Tristen Parr has steadily built found-sound and layered instrumental and vocal tracks to create delicious moments for sound installations. The students have devised and developed performance ideas in a truly ensemble fashion. They have contributed ideas and scenes until the work has taken a distinct shape, form and text. Lloyd Godman from Melbourne brought ideas for installations to the group in March and will return to see the final expression of the combined work of the artists, students and art forms.
James has been the artist leading the project and the arts' teachers have worked alongside. We have had a great response from the students. The ideas and work began with the Year 10 SVAPA Project class where initial work was done with James and Tristen. The Year 10s were then joined by the interested Year 8 and 9 SVAPA students early in Term 2. Since then Wednesdays, Thursdays after school and Saturdays have been crucibles of creative ideas and energy.
It takes a lot of commitment and allows students to work in areas of expertise in the arts as well as challenging them to step out of the comfort zone.
The time-frame is short and exciting. The project allows a unique chance to work in the premier contemporary arts' facility in our state -Perth Institute of Contemporary Art (PICA). It is mentored by cutting-edge professional artists. This is the way we like to work at Mount Lawley in the Specialist Visual and Performing Arts.
The SVAPA Parents Group supports this highly original work and some parents have even been involved in making the installations for the space.
Be guided through The Museum of You on Monday 18 or Tuesday 19 June (just after the annual Art Auction on 16 June).
Times and tickets will be advised soon.
Dr Dale Irving
SVAPA Coordinator