Year 11 & Year 12 Stage 2 & Stage 3 Exam Workshops
Mount Lawley Senior High School will be providing extra tuition and exam preparation sessions for specific Stage 2 and Stage 3 courses:
Italian Stage 2 & 3
Design Photography Stage 2 & 3
Design Visual Art Stage 2 & 3
These sessions will be held on the following dates:
Saturday 12th May from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Saturday 19th May from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
These workshops are designed to prepare the students for the upcoming Semester 1 exams and also to ensure that the students are given an extra opportunity to complete any outstanding course work. These sessions are Course specific. Ideally students would attend both sessions.
We will be running two 80-minute sessions per day with a 20-minute break to allow the students to have a short morning tea. As there will be no provision for the students to purchase food from the Deekaf nor will they be allowed to leave the school premises during these study sessions, it is recommended that the students bring a snack.
Please return the attached slip to the Main Administration Reception by Thursday 10th May to indicate the session/s that your child wishes to attend. These sessions will be held in the usual timetabled subject classrooms. Students can access the School through the Middle School entrance on Woodsome Street.