Forrest and Hackett Victorious
In a fantastic House Swimming Carnival the three trophies on offer were shared by two Houses. The Champion House in Middle School was Hackett, with a convincing win, and the Champion House in Senior School was Forrest. It is the first time the school has awarded seperate trophies at the Swimming Carnival, and made for some fabulous competition amongst the Middle and Senior School Students.
Overall Champion was the prize, however, and for the 11th time in the last 12 years this honour went to Forrest, whose Senior School Team (particularly the girls) dominated the competition.
Congratulations to all of the competitors for their participation in the events, and to all students who dressed up, cheered for their House and encouraged their friends.
Special mention should go to the House Captains and House Swimming Captains for their work leading up to the carnival, as well as their organisation and encouragement on the day.
Great thanks to Mr Howard and his Phys Ed staff for a well run and enjoyable carnival, and to all staff who played their part in officiating and supervision.
To Hackett, Murdoch and O'Connor ... there's always next year.
Official results for today's House Swimming Carnival ...
Middle School:
Hackett - 1,111
O'Connor - 915
Murdoch - 820
Forrest - 705
Senior School:
Forrest - 1,036
Murdoch - 716
O'Connor - 505
Hackett - 417
Forrest - 1,742
Murdoch - 1,536
Hackett - 1,528
O'Connor - 1,420